Ask The Undertaker

Ask The Undertakers

Date to be confirmed
Tickets cost: Free

Undertakers Rosie and Lisa will answer any questions that you have about anything to do with funerals, their mortuary and the creative funerals that they support families and communities to build.

You might also have questions about cremation, burial and woodland burial and new up and coming alternatives to them such as resomation and natural organic reduction (also known as terramation or human composting).

Or you might have a question that Rosie and Lisa have never been asked before! All questions welcome.

Natural Endings are are modern creative funeral service with over 22 years experience between them. The Natural Endings ethos is community engagement with death and the crafting of unique, appropriate and including ritual. They value transparency and want to demystify funerals and what goes on ‘behind the scenes’.

There will be tea and cake!