Podcast: On the Irregular with Java Bere

I was invited to be on Java Bere’s podcast On The Irregular. A series of podcasts about grief and creativity.

Rosie Grant creativity and grief podcast

We talk about….
My epiphany at 26 to become an undertaker. My aim to demystify death care and the funeral process. The part that  being a psychotherapist plays in being an undertaker. How we co-create ritual with families and communities. Empowering them to take creative ownership of how they honour their people that have died. The importance of non-verbal ritual.

Java and her partner Jon talk about their difficult experience of their baby’s funeral.

There are some big feelings in this podcast! But also lots of laughter.

It’s my first podcast and it was really great to be included in such an interesting season about grief and creativity. Available on all the usual podcast providers. You can listen here