Funeral Wishes

There are many ways that you can prepare for your future funeral.
It can start with letting your loved ones know if you prefer a cremation or a burial, if it will be religious or non-religious, the kind of music you would choose etc.

We can help you navigate the different options that are available. We offer a free service to make a record of your wishes, which your next of kin can use as guidance, when they are arranging your funeral. It is not necessary to pay for a funeral plan in order to make a record of your wishes.

Download Funeral Wishes Form

Letting friends and family know your funeral wishes

Talking about your death with the people you love can be hard, but even a simple conversation about your wishes can make all the difference when the time comes.

To help you we have created a four-page document that asks you questions about what you would prefer to happen when you die. We’ve made it as simple as possible to complete. There is no need to answer all of the questions. They serve as prompts to help you gain an understanding of which parts are important to you and which ones can be decided by your family and friends. You may only care about the songs that are played, or whether you’re buried or cremated; in which case you can write ’No Preference’ in for the other questions.

At the end you can sign it and then simply give copies to the people who need to know, or leave it in a safe place for people to find when the time comes. The best option, if you can, is to discuss it with the people who matter so that they know what you would like.


You can look up the current cost of your preferred funeral options via the itemised price list on this website. Alternatively, you can get in touch and we can send you a no-commitment estimate. If you feel like pre-paying for the funeral, we can connect you with a trusted company called Open Pre-Paid Funeral Plans.

Additional support or information

If the questions prompt a need for additional information please get in touch. You might want to know options for local woodland burial sites, or have questions about future alternatives to burial and cremation. Just email or call Rosie and Lisa.